Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bridget Goes to Second Grade

I really like summer time but there is something to be said for the first day of school. It's just so exciting for kids, even those that don't particularly care about school all that much. (That was me!) But there is something so fresh and exciting about brand new school supplies, new classmates, and new teachers.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Birthday

Today is my birthday and I am officially 29!
I'm pretty sure my internal monologue has never really developed past the age of 13. I just never got past that awkward phase. I'm not gonna lie, it can get weird sometimes being a 29 year old who still thinks like a 13 year old.

Coco Robicheaux

Another beginning...
Another fall semester has begun and with a lot of spare time between classes I am left alone to roam the city. I've been going to UC Denver for about a year and a half now but I have never been afforded the opportunity to wonder off of campus and explore. The funny thing about being a mom is that your life centers around your children and its hard not to lose yourself through that devotion. But this semester I am being forced to spend time alone in the city and it has been more refreshing than I could have ever imagined.

I am the PTA mommy who reads parenting magazines, does laundry and fixes dinner for everyone at home. I'm always consumed with caring for my family but here in the streets of Denver I am allowed to be someone else. I call this person... Coco Robicheaux.

Coco is a spicier version of myself. I know what you are thinking. With a name like Nina Nevada why do you feel the need to come up with an alter ego aren't you spicy enough? I can't give you an answer to that question but I really like the name Coco Robicheaux so please don't bother me with these annoying questions.

Let me tell you about Coco. Coco is a smart, audacious, ventursome woman who meanders through the streets of Denver embracing whatever may come her way. She's a character to say the least so stay posted for the adventures that lie ahead for Nina Nevada and Coco Robicheaux because this fall is guaranteed to be interesting!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I've been trying to stay up in order to update my blog (which is way over due) but I am extremely tired and felt the need to tell you that the following entries have some major typos in them. I don't want to fix them right now because I want to go to bed.
So, carry on at your own risk.
Good Night!

Lake of the Ozarks

I've visited Missouri a million times yet I had never been to the Lake of the Ozarks. So, I was really excited when we all decided to pitch in and share a condo on the lake for our summer trip to MO this year.

Driving to MO from Colorado is not the most fun drive ever seeing as how we have to cross through Kansas. The only interesting part about that drive is the billboard advertizing a detour to Dorothy's House from the Wizard of Oz's and the creepy painting of Jesus peering out at you through a wheat field. So we were happy to have finally arrived to our condo on Thursday with enough time to go swimming.

We were the first ones there upon arrival. We were expecting Brent's parents, Tommy and Janice, his brother Bryce, his wife Carrie and their daughter Ruby and his other brother Ben with his friend Stacie. But mostly we were looking forward to seeing our little niece Ruby. Doesn't she have cute cheeks???

After gorging ourselves on pizza we all decided to go for a late night swim. This is Bridget with her Uncle Brycie.

We spent a lot of time lying in the sun and swimming in the pool that over looked the lake.

Here is a picture of Bridget making cake balls with her Uncle Ben.

Brent lounging with his girls before we went to rent our jet skis.

We also took Bridget to a beach where Brent told her that turtles would grab her by her toes and pull her to the bottom. She insisted on wearing her life jacket even when she was wading through water that barely covered her feet. It was funny when we actually did see a turtle popping its head out of the water.
(What is it with dad's torturing their daughters. My dad used to pull stunts like that on me all of the time. Up until I was 20 I thought Briskit was some wierd kind of bird... shut up.)

Bridget with her Grandma and Grandpa.
Tommy and his not so mini-me.
After we went swimming we drove to see the view from the dam.

Back at the condo we spent every morning and evening on the balcony that over looked the pool and the lake. It was the perfect place to watch the sun set.

Bridget and Ruby got to spend some quality time together. This is Bridget changing her first diaper.

When Brent was little he had a sock monkey a lot like this one so we had to by it for Ruby when we saw it sitting at the Cracker Barrell on the drive there.

After a few days we headed back to Grenville IL where Brent's parents live. Of course Bridget had to catch fire flies the first night we were there. (We don't have them in CO.)

Brent and I left on Tuesday while Bridget stayed to spend more time with her grand parents. She went to Vacation Bible School at Tommy's church and got to stay and have the princess treatment.
Brent and I drove back to Colorado and celebrated our five year wedding anniversary a month early. Basically we got to hang out with out having to tend to our parental duties. It was a nice change but it didn't take long for us to want Bridget to come back home.

Movie at Red Rocks

On this particular night we decided to get together with some friends to enjoy an outdoor movie at Red Rocks Ampitheater. We had to go on this night because they were playing one of my alltime favorites...
This movie reminds me of my dad. I just love it.

Here is a picture of Bridget and her friend Cadence. We were all shocked when we entered the theater to find the place completely packed. We thought there was no way that we were going to find good seats.

Everyone started to get grumpy until I finagled my way in the middle and found seats for us all.

Before the movie started there was a concert and Bridget couldn't help herself. She had to show off her mad skills.

Once the movie started the excitement began. The crowd was so into the film. Everyone repeated the catch phrases.. "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." And every time Wesley defeated one of the bad guys everyone cheered! I think the next film we will be attending is Indiana Jones. I'm hoping they'll play the Goonies at some point.

Fourth of July... Chapman Style

Every year Red White and Blue Fire Protection District plays an integral part in the Breckenridge Fourth of July Parade. It gives the fire fighters a chance to dress up and march down Main Street. Brent loves this part of his job.
Breck is about an hour from where we live and we made the drive first thing in the morning. As soon as we pulled up to the firestation we could already hear the bag pipes playing...

Before the parade everything was pure chaos. Kids and dogs were running every where while every one tried to figure out where they were supposed to go.

Finally, when all of the kids were thrown into fire trucks and all of the fire fighters were lined up the parade began.

I ran up and down the street so that I could get pictures of Brent and Bridget as they made their way down the street. Both of them were so proud. Brent is one of the guys in the middle of this photo holding a flag. I'm pretty sure he was the third one from the left.

I looked like a maniac while I ran into the street to take my pictures.

Bridget was even laughing at me as I took this picture.

After the parade she told Brent that she was famous because people were clapping for her.

She has her mouth full of candy in almost every shot I took. I think she ate more candy than she threw. (Click on this picture to make it bigger and you'll see the funny face she's making.)

Some of the kids decided not to be in the parade so that they could get the candy that was thrown in the street. Little did they know the trucks were first in the parade and Bridget was soon able to come back and watch the rest of it. Here's another photo of her and her friend Riley. Riley's dad works on the same shift as Brent.

After the parade we all met up at an Irish Pub called Burke and Riley's for lunch. The police and fire fighters bag pipe band played there as well. Bridget and Riley couldn't help but dance to the music.

Brent's batalion chief "Rosie" plays the drums in the band and he let Bridget give it a shot.

Here is a picture of Rosie doing his thing. After we ate at Burke and Riley's we went to Fairplay to hang out at the Goossen's house. The kids popped some fire crackers, we ate some more hamburgers and finally went home. Bridget passed out as soon as we got into the car. It was such a fun day.